
My wardrobe

My outfit


jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Coming back from Madrid I had to wear something comfortable for the trip: my adidas blue shorts and this filmy tank with uncovered sides which I bought in Helsinki in Carlings. I wear my Vans and my cap of Vans too.
This is a quick update too. Next Sunday I'll go to Germany.
Para volver de Madrid busque un atuendo cómodo para el trayecto en coche: mis shorts azules de adidas, una camisa de tirantes con escote lateral que compré en Helsinki en Carlings y mi gorra y playeras de Vans.
Esto es otra actualización rápida, el domingo me iré a Alemania.

lunes, 28 de julio de 2014

Karis Night Outfit; Look para la Noche de Karis


As you know I've been in Finland (yesterday I came back). On Friday it was the town's special night "Karis Night" translated to Enlgish since I can't spell it in its original language. I wore this outfit, most of it bought in Helsinki.
The white loose filmy blouse is from BIKBOK and the floral printed trousers are from LEE and I bought them in CARLINGS. I definitely fell in love with that shop, so amazing; I bought so many things in it! ♥
The sandals were bought in MARYPAZ (that's from here, Spain). I love the goldened details in the front which give the shoes an elegant and lovely look.
I loved the nice and harmonic combination I got with the light colors of the clothing. Perfect for a great night saying goodbye to the people I met!


Como sabéis, he estado por Finlandia hasta ayer que he vuelto. El viernes pasado era la noche especial de la ciudad en la que me quedaba, Karis. Verbena, fiestas y demás cosas típicas de las fiestas de un pueblo. Este es el vestuario que escogí para la noche, casi todo comprado en Helsinki.
La blusa blanca con vuelo es de BIKBOK y el pantalón con estampado florado es de LEE comprado en CARLINGS una tienda que me enamoró y que definitivamente tengo que mirar más a fondo el tema de compra por internet a ella porque la verdad que fue mi favorita en Helsinki.
Las sandalias son de MARYPAZ, ya compradas en España, me gusta el detalle dorado que tienen en la parte delantera, le dan un toque muy elegante y bonito al calzado.

El conjunto de colores claros y pastel me pareció bonito y armónico, no muy arreglado pero con su encanto. Perfecto para una gran noche de despedirse de la gente que he conocido.

viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Comfy Sporty Finn; Deportivo y Cómodo


Back from the beach, with a comfy and sporty outfit for the evening with these ADIDAS blue shorts which were from my friend but I loved them so much that I bought myself ones, some cork flip flops and this MANGO printed tank that you could also see in Beachwalk outfit and this maroon VANS cap from Helsinki. I also carry my colorful backpack.


Volviendo de la playa con un look más cómodo y deportivo: unos pantalones cortos azules de ADIDAS que me dejó mi amiga pero que ya me he encargado de conseguir para mi por lo cómodos que son; una camisa negra de tirantes con estampado de MANGO que podeis ver en Look para pasear por la Playa, unas chanclas de corcho y una gorra que me he comprado en Helsinki color granate de VANS. También llevo mi mochila de colores.

martes, 22 de julio de 2014

Finnish Background


As I said in former posts, I'm currently in Finnland (that's why I kinda not update that much) but today I wanted to share some of my very last purchase: this bandana print dark blue skirt which is from SPRINGFIELD and I totally fell in love with. I wear it with a basic white t-shirt from DECATHLON and some white plain sneakers from SPRINGFIELD too. I think it's an original piece of clothing and kinda useful for achieving a pin-up look which I'll try in future posts I think. In some pictures I'm in my socks because here people go barefoot in the houses.
Today I went shopping to Helsinki so you'll get to see some new stuff soon!


Como sabéis, no actualizo mucho por estar en Finlandia pero hoy quiero enseñaros una de mis últimas adquisiciones que es esta falda con un estampado similar al de las bandanas y que es azul marino. La vi en SPRINGFIELD y me enamoró; aproveché y en la misma tienda compré estas playeras blancas lisas que van genial para un look original, casual y cómodo. La camisa básica de DECATHLON blanca lleva la atención a la falda que es la pieza maestra de las fotos y una futura importante pieza de mi armario. La falda es ideal para un futuro look pin-up que intentaré realizar. En algunas fotos estoy en calcetines porque aquí en las casas se va descalzo.

Hoy he ido de compras por Helsinki, ¡así que pronto veréis nuevas prendas!

viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

29.Comfortable Traveling; Viajando Cómoda


Last thursday I got on the plane to Finnland. Therefore I had to wear comfy clothes! I chose this GAP white T-shirt with the kimono you saw on the 17. Ibizan Party this broken clear jeans wich are tomboy so the upper part is wider and loose which is just great for feeling free I got it in ZARA and the white sneakers are from SPRINGFIELD.  
I love my colorful backpack that was bought in a street market in which you could find hand-made products.
I took with me my leather handbag to have my money and IDcard within reach.


El pasado jueves me subí en el avión rumbo a Finlandia; por lo tanto tenía que ir cómoda ¡pero sin perder el gusto! Escogí esta camisa blanca de GAP que pega por ser de color claro con los vaqueros pesqueros con rotos en las rodillas y con el corte "boyfriend" que los deja más anchos por arriba imitando los de chico, dando mayor comodidad y libertad; son, cómo no, de ZARA. El kimono lo he puesto en posts anteriores 17. Ibizan Party y las playeras blancas lisas son de SPRINGFIELD. Me encanta mi mochila tan colorida, la compré en unos puestos de productos hechos a mano indios. Llevé mi bolso de cuero para tener mis documentos y dinero al alcance de la mano.

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

California in Madrid


Yesterday I hit the road to Madrid because today I'm leaving off to Helsinki to visit a friend of mine. The following posts of these days will be quick and to keep showing my clothing. So the first thought that rushed through my mind as I got down the car was: OH MY GOD HOW FREAKIN' HOT IT IS IN HERE! As soon as I got into my room I changed my outfit to this California-palm printed jump suit from PIMKIE which although it was still hot, felt pretty fresh and loose. The colors are really californian and peachy.
The shoes are leather sandals with golden details that match great with the leather handbag you might have already seen in former posts.


Me he dirigido ayer

a Madrid para coger hoy un vuelo a Helsinki y visitar a una amiga. Por ello, los posts de estos días serán breves y para mantener al corriente de mis atuendos, que es de lo que trata el blog en sí. Nada más bajar del coche lo primero que pensé y dije fue: ¡DIOS MÍO, QUÉ CALOR! Así que corrí a cambiarme en la habitación y me puse este mono tan californiano que véis en las fotos. Adoro el estampado de palmeras y los colores rosa, negro y naranja suave; muy veraniego. Es de PIMKIE y lo mejor de todo es que es un tejido muy fino y fresco.
Las sandalias son de cuero con detalles dorados, pegaban perfectamente con el bolso de cuero con grabado.

lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

My mom


Today I'm posting my mom's outfit. The white dress is from MANGO, the pink coat is from ZARA, the handbag, the leather shoes and the sunglasses are top secret. She is one of the most stylish persons I may know, she has the ability of combining things that apparently don't match with each other. She is very inspiring!


Hoy el post va dedicado a mi madre. Ella es de las personas con más estilo que conozco, capaz de combinarlo todo. El vestido blanco es de MANGO, el abrigo rosa de ZARA y el bolso, los zapatos y las gafas son secreto suyo. Los zapatos son de un color magenta hechos de cuero entrelazado, un modelo muy original y el bolso sencillo de color rosa va perfecto para el atuendo que no queda sobrecargado. 

sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

This days I hardly have time to post anything so here is a quick post of a Beachwalk outfit.  The Jeans are my highwaisted dark Jeans from pimkie, the tank is forma Mango. Sunglasses are from h&m.
No tengo mucho tiempo estos días así que aquí pongo una rápida actualización los pantalones vaqueros de tiro alto oscuros son de pimkie y la camisa de tirantes con estampado es de mango. Las gafas de aviador son de h&m.

jueves, 10 de julio de 2014

Tourist in Berlin Outfit

Last October I went to Berlin with my class and since I don't want to post all my newest clothing because I will run out of posts, I'll show you this outfit.
El pasado octubre estuve en un viaje de Berlin y para no quedarme sin posts de mis nuevas compras os mostraré el look para pasear por la capital alemana.

Outfit's description

I was wearing some leggings from POIZEN INDUSTRIES bought in CRAZYINLOVE.ES with have holes in the front and beneath there are a fishnet stockings. The purple cable-knit pullover is from H&M and so is the t-shirt which I'm wearing that says "grunge girl"; khaki coat is from PRIMARK
The sneakers are ETNIES.

Los leggings son de POIZEN INDUSTRIES, tienen agujeros y una redecilla debajo. El jersey de punto es de H&M al igual que la camisa de debajo que pone "Grunge Girl". El abrigo caqui es de PRIMARK y las playeras son ETNIES.

miércoles, 9 de julio de 2014

Today I'm showing you a beach wrap my mother made me. It is really easy to do you and I will show you how to do it in further posts.
I love this summer outfit for the beach. So classy but relaxed, cute and simple.
Este pareo lo realizó mi madre y en algún post os enseñaré cómo hacerlo. 
Me encanta para la playa porque es elegante pero sencillo, mono y bonito.

martes, 8 de julio de 2014

Relaxed Summer Outfit

 Tonight's post is inspired in Summer, the straw hat makes me think about the beach and sunny weather which is actually what we have not got here at the moment.

Outfit's Description

So it's basically a basic white t-shirt you can find anywhere, I bought it in Decathlon and I already showed you these jeans in my other post Born to blossom, bloom to perish
The kimono has also appeared in Ibizan Party and the shoes too. I bought the straw hat in a street market in a town near mine.


I love the summer style of these outfit, I think it goes well with the season and reminisces the beach time♥

lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Pin up inspired outfit
So tonight's quick update is a picture I took last summer copying this pin up girls (whose outfit I'll seriously use in future posts).

So, the american crop shirt was bought in Germany and those shorts are from PIMKIE.

This was in Gijon last year, a city of the north of Spain. Since I am posting from my cell phone I can't write as much as I would like and it is late here so good night!
I'll post properly tomorrow! 💙

domingo, 6 de julio de 2014

Outfit for going to have lunch with my family

 Today we went to have lunch all together to a small town in the nearby. Although the sun didn't shine, it didn't rain either so it wasn't such a bad day. The meal was excellent and we had a really good time. So here is my outfit for today!

Outfit's description

I bought these scruffy jeans that looked as if they were losing their color last saturday in BERSHKA (yeah, sales are here! Shopping all day, all night♥) they are tight and high waisted and I'm so happy to have them!
The basic grey t-shirt is from ZARA and the black denim crop top is from NEW YORKER. The black blazer is from BERSHKA too. 
I believe blazers give every look an elegant and trendy style which goes well with every outfit, blazers are so fashionable, I adore them!

Shoes & Accesories

I'm wearing VANS and my well known sunglasses.
The handbag has already been posted on former looks but today I'm presenting it properly. As you can see it's got three pockets, the first one and the last one are black but the one in the middle has got a lovely print which gives it a fresh and funny touch. It's comfortable and I can take everything I need in it since it is pretty spacious. It's from MARY PAZ.


I found this outfit pretty comfortable and suitable, and you?

sábado, 5 de julio de 2014

Bizarre Style

This post's outfit is a mixture of styles, you might recognize the high waisted floral skirt from My Promotion Outfit. It's a quick update since I'm hanging out right now!

Outfit's description

The skirt is already explained in that post I linked up before and the t-shirt is some IN FLAMES merchandise bought in and I cropped the sides and joined them back again with lots of safety pins.  It's got this metal and alternative look I adore. 
The denim vest is from ZARA (of course, ZARA must be in my outfit).
 The shoes are the same as the Ibizan Party post.


So, I think it looks pretty cool and different, I like the personal touch of a metal band t-shirt with the skirt. And I really appreciate all your comments and follows, I'll answer all of them tomorrow!

viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

Zara Basic Fashion

zara fashionAs you can tell, I have tons of clothing from ZARA and today's look is Zara's at its greatest. I wanted a basic and formal outfit for today since I had to go downtown to do some errands. Like I promised: here are the pictures.

Outfit's Description

It's a basic floaty sleeveless dark blue top, TRF dark jeans and an orange (in the pictures it seems to be red but it's actually orange) long blazer. All of it from ZARA

Make up & Accesories & Shoes

I used no make up and the shoes you might well know them since they're my patent leather shoes. The belt is a present so I have no idea of where it is from. The handbag is from MARY PAZ.


 I went to have dinner with my bestie and I believed I looked smart enough but not excessively elegant for the occasion.
zara outfitbasic outfit

basic stylebasic fashion



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